Ulcer originating from the Dutch language which means the stomach. Someone who experienced ulcer usually feel the pain and discomfort in the abdomen. Another symptom that is felt is belching, flatulence, nausea, vomiting, feeling full, or feel burning in the upper abdomen. Ulcer can appear suddenly in a short time (acute), a long time (chronic), or because of special circumstances such as the presence of other diseases. One example is the acute ulcer discomfort when consuming alcohol or acetosal.
The disease is also called gastritis is caused by various things. The emergence of ulcer disease is often associated with drugs, medical conditions, physical stress, living habits, chemicals, and infection. Drugs like acetosal, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory / NSAIDs (like ibuprofen and naproxen), and potassium supplementation generally cause stomach upset. Swallowing corrosive chemicals (such as acid or alkaline solution), or alcohol also causes ulcers. Penginfeksi bacteria the most common cause of ulcers is the bacteria Helicobacter pylori, causes chronic gastritis.
Ulcer disease is usually overcome by using drugs to reduce stomach acid. This can help reduce symptoms and speed healing complaints (due to stomach acid irritates inflamed tissue). In addition, avoid some foods and drinks, as well as the use of certain medications.
A lot of drug options that can be used in treating ulcer disease. Treatment options must also be based on the examination. For self-medication (swamedikasi) merely eliminate symptoms of the disease.
If the ulcer caused by infection of H. pylori, chances are your doctor will prescribe antibiotics. In addition, there are also drugs used to inhibit gastric acid secretion (such as inhibiting histamine blocker 2/H2 Ranitidine and cimetidine), or medication to neutralize stomach acid (antacids). Stronger medication that is used to protect the gastrointestinal tract or to reduce stomach acid is available with a prescription. Consult with your health.
Ulcer symptoms :
Symptoms that arise due to gastritis depends on the sustained levels of acute gastritis and ulcer patients have been vulnerable time. In acute cases, symptoms that often appear usually is a pain in the pit of the stomach, nausea, vomiting, no appetite, bloating, weight loss, sore or burning pain in the upper abdomen that can become better or worse when eating. While chronic Gastritis usually develops gradually without any symptoms. If there was only mild pain on the upper abdomen and feels full after eating or loss of appetite and weight loss.
Gastritis can cause bleeding in the stomach, but this rarely becomes severe except when at the same time also happened on gastric ulcers. Bleeding in the stomach can cause vomiting blood or there is blood in the faeces and need immediate treatment. Some forms of chronic Gastritis can increase the risk of gastric cancer, especially if it occurs constantly thinning the walls of the stomach and changes in the cells in the stomach wall.