Kidneys are very important parts of the body. The presence of blood from the kidneys as filters for wastes makes their function can not be replaced by another. Kidney damage or disruption to cause problems on the ability and strength. Work activity is interrupted, the body became easily tired and weak. For those of you who have tired fast and loose be careful, who knows you're affected by kidney disease.
Symptoms Early
In the early stages, kidney disease does not cause any symptoms. However, in line with your body's metabolism, the accumulation will occur remains in the body metabolism. As a result, your feet and hands became swollen, shortness of breath, and energy for any activity to be decreased.
Kidney disease is a disease of active work. It was very easy to get worse if not treated early. Final state of the kidney is a kidney disease can not berfunsi again called with ESRD (End Stage Renal Disease) or end stage renal disease. This is the most dangerous stage. If it were so, it is best for you now is a kidney replacement surgery. Before it all happened so you can do business is the possibility of early prevention of ESRD.
Kidney Failure Disease
The main function of the kidneys is to clean up the remnants of blood from metabolism which results in the blood by filtering. If both kidneys fail to perform its functions (in the final stages of kidney disease), the remnants of the results produced by the metabolism of normal cells will re-enter into the blood (Uremia).
Diseases Kidney Failure is a disease in which kidney function has decreased until finally no longer able to work at all in terms of sewage filtering body electrolytes, maintain fluid balance and body chemicals such as sodium and potassium in the blood or urine production.
Kidney disease can affect anyone who suffers serious illness or injury where it impacts directly on the kidney itself. Kidney disease more often experienced by those aged adults, especially in the elderly.
A. Causes of Kidney Failure
The occurrence of renal failure caused by a number of serious diseases didedrita by the body which gradually resulted in kidney damage. As for some diseases that often affect kidney damage include:
* Disease high blood pressure (Hypertension)
* Disease Diabetes Mellitus (Diabetes Mellitus)
* The presence of urinary tract obstruction (stones, tumors, stricture / stricture)
* Autoimmune disorders, such as systemic lupus erythematosus
* Suffer cancer (cancer)
* Abnormalities of the kidney, where there is development of many cysts on the kidney itself (polycystic kidney disease)
* Damage to cells in the kidneys filter either by infection or inflammation due to the impact of high blood diseases. Medical terms is called glomerulonephritis.
As for other diseases can also cause kidney failure if not promptly addressed, among others: Loss of a sudden a lot bo (diarrhea, bleeding, burns), as well as other diseases such as Lung Disease (TB), Syphilis, Malaria, Hepatitis, Preeclampsia, Drugs and Amyloidosis.
Kidney disease develops slowly to deteriorate in which the kidneys are no longer able to work as funngsinya. In medicine there are two types of attacks to kidney failure, acute and chronic.
B. Signs and Symptoms of Kidney Failure Disease
The signs and symptoms of kidney failure patients who experienced an acute among others: swollen eyes, legs, severe back pain (colic), urinary pain, fever, urinating a little, red urine / blood, frequent urination. Abnormalities of Urine : Protein, Blood / Erythrocytes, Leucocytes / leukocyte, Bacteria.
While the signs and symptoms that might arise by the presence of chronic renal failure, among others: weak, no energy, appetite, nausea, vomiting, swelling, decreased urination, itching, shortness of breath, pale / anemia. Abnormalities of Urine: Protein, Erythrocyte, leukocyte. Lab examination abnormalities. Other: blood creatinine increased, decreased Hb, Urine: protein is always positive.