
Chikungunya is a kind of viral fever caused by Alphaviruses that is spread by mosquito bites from Aedes aegypti species. Its name comes from a word in the Makonde language which means "curved up", referring to the body that bend due to arthritis symptoms of this disease.

The main symptoms of Chikungunya disease is the body suddenly felt a fever followed by rheumatic pain in joints. In fact, because one of the typical symptom is the emergence of a sense of fatigue, pain, pain may also arise in bone, there is a name it as fever or flu bone. The symptoms are similar to dengue virus infection with a bit of difference on certain things. The virus is transferred from one patient to another person via mosquitoes, including Aedes aegypti. The virus is transmitted by Aedes aegypti mosquitoes will breed in the human body.

This virus attacks all ages, both children and adults in endemic areas. The patient will experience sudden high fever for five days, so the term is also known as fever of five days. In young children begins with sudden fever, skin redness. Red rashes that appear after 3-5 days. The eyes are usually accompanied by red signs such as flu. Febrile seizures are common child. In older children, fever is usually followed by pain in muscles and joints, and enlarged lymph nodes occurred.

In adults, symptoms of sore joints and muscles are very dominant and to cause temporary paralysis due to pain when walking. Sometimes arise nausea to vomiting. In general, the child's fever lasts for only three days with no or very little bleeding and shock are found. The difference with dengue hemorrhagic fever, on Chikungunya no bleeding, shock (shock) and not cause death.


Definition of Nasal polyp is a growth of nasal mucous membranes that are benign.
The cause of the occurrence of polyps is not known, but some polyps grow because of the swelling due to infection.

Polyps are often found in patients :
  • Allergic rhinitis
  • Asthma
  • Chronic Sinusitis
  • Cystic Fibrosis

polyps usually grow in areas where the mucous membrane to swell due to fluid retention, such as sinus area around the hole in the nasal cavity. When newly formed, a polyp looks like a tear and if it has been cooked, resembles grapes grayish color.

Polyps causing blockage of the nose, so patients often complain of decreased sense of smell functions. Because your sense of taste associated with the sense of smell, then the patient may also experience decreased sense of taste and smell function.

Nasal polyps can also cause blockage in the drainage of mucus from the sinuses to the nose. This blockage causes mucus in the sinus tertimbunnya. Mucus that is too long in the sinuses can become infected and eventually sinusitis.
Sufferer children often nasal voice and breathe through his mouth.

If you experience persistent nasal congestion and more and more weight added to that is always dripping snot and disturbances of smell functions, chances are you suffer from nasal polyps. Nasal polyps occur because of the emergence of the soft tissue in the nasal cavity, which is white or gray. This network can be directly observed with the naked eye after enlarged nostrils with nasal speculum tool.

Nasal polyps usually attacks adults who probably caused by hypersensitivity reactions or allergic reactions in nasal mucosa, which lasted long. Some other factors that increase the chances of nasal polyps include sinusitis (sinus inflammation) that chronic irritation, nasal obstruction because of anatomical abnormalities and the presence of enlargement on konka.

The principle of treatment of nasal polyps is overcome polip and avoid the cause or the factors that led to the polyps. If a small polyp is treatment with oral drugs and spraying with a nasal spray. However, if polyps are large and made possible with oral medication or spray the surgical removal of polyps should be performed. If you want to heal without surgery then you should do is contact the Tb. Amongrogo !

Unfortunately if the factors that cause polyps are not resolved then the nasal polyp is thus prone to relapse back. Therefore, patient compliance is expected to avoid things that cause allergies which can lead to the occurrence of nasal polyps.

Polyps is nasal mucosa and sinus disorders, especially paranasal Osteomeatal Complex (OMC) in the meatus nasi medius stemmed form a soft mass, shape, round or oval, grayish white. Surface smooth and somewhat translucent because many contain liquids. Often bilateral and multiple. Polyps are a manifestation of various diseases and is often associated with sinusitis, allergic rhinitis, asthma, and others.

Aetiology Nasal polyps nasal polyps is not known with certainty. But there are three factors that play a role in the occurrence of polyps rice, namely :
1. Inflammation. Inflammation of nasal mucosa and paranasal sinuses are chronic and recurrent.
2. Vasomotor. Impaired vasomotor balance.
3. Edema. Increased interstitial fluid pressure causing nasal mucosal edema. The occurrence of edema can be explained by The Bernoulli Phenomenon.

This phenomenon is an explanation of Bernoulli's law is sunnatullah air flowing through a narrow place would cause negative pressure on the surrounding area so that the network of weak ties will be sucked by negative pressure. As a result, mucosal edema arises. This situation continued until there was nasal polyps.

There is also a form of variations of nasal polyps called Koana Polyps (Polyps Koana Antrum). Koana polyps (polyps Koana antrum) is a large polyp in the nasopharynx and maxillary sinus originating from the antrum. These polyps out through the maxillary sinus os and os accessories and entered into the nasal cavity and then go to koana and enlarged in the nasopharynx.

Nephrotic Syndrome (Kidneys Leaking)

Speaking of kidney disorders, people are more familiar with the terms of kidney stones and kidney failure. Kidney term Leaks (Nephrotic Syndrome) is still foreign to the ear. Of course, these conditions have to be careful. In the world of medicine, Leakage Kidneys (Nephrotic Syndrome) is a collection of symptoms that means work involving the kidney organs.

The term does not mean there is kidney leaking hole in the kidneys that causes leakage, but to describe the leak or release of protein (albumin) from the body through the urine (urine). Under normal circumstances, the kidneys work as a filter, so the protein can not be out of the body. If the body lots of protein release, automatic levels of any protein in the body decreases.

The nature of albumin is not held to the fluid out of blood vessels. When the body lacks albumin, easy fluid leak from blood vessels and cause the body to swell. If it is so, the body will make adjustments due to lack of albumin. One was by breaking the fat from the entire body, making cholesterol levels rise. So, the main symptoms of nephrotic syndrome or renal leak there were four, namely the release of protein through urine, lack of albumin, body swelling and increased cholesterol levels.

Swelling of body experiences

The exit of this protein in the urine due to the nature of the membrane (lining) that works as a filter has been changed. Remember, nature does not weaken, the only change for some reason. The cause of the changing nature of the filter layer into two major categories, namely :
First, because there is something in the kidney. This condition is called primary renal disease. This is usually caused by infection.
Second, because of non-renal diseases, but involving the kidney. For example, diseases associated with immune system like diabetes, malaria and can even be as well.

What should be emphasized, Nephrotic Syndrome with renal failure is different. Renal failure associated with renal function, whereas nephrotic syndrome associated with renal filter. It could be someone having nephrotic syndrome, but his kidney function was still normal. However, kidney failure can affect the handling of the nephrotic syndrome.

To determine whether a person is experiencing kidney leak can be detected through tests labotarium. This is necessary to make the diagnosis. One symptom is the swelling of the kidney is leaking body. Even so, body swelling caused by the kidney is not necessarily a leak. Diagnosis is most easily done through the initial urine test. If there are high levels of protein in the urine, should be continued handling.

Nephrotic syndrome caused by diabetes in mind when it enters a new stage. So, if sugar disease can be treated, the possibility of permanent kidney damage is huge. This is also affecting the recovery of patients. Cases can occur in patients with similar symptoms but different causes. These different causes that make why patients can be cured of A, while patient B is only partially cured, or even no recovery at all.

Besides the four main symptoms such as leakage of protein through the urine, lack of protein in the body, body swelling, and increased cholesterol levels, there are several symptoms that can accompany the nephrotic syndrome. This is because the causes are varied and can spread to other body parts.

These symptoms include :

• reduced appetite.
• shrinking muscle mass.
• Water piss (urine) foaming.
• Shortness of breath due to accumulation of fluid in the cavity around the lungs.
• Knee and pocket balls (in men) to swell.
• The child can decrease blood pressure when you're standing. The patient's blood pressure can be high or low rate.
• The volume of urine is reduced.
• Lack of nutrients due to loss of nutrients, so that growth can be stunted.
• There was inflammation in the lining of the stomach. This is because of the infection in the abdominal area. The infection is suspected due to reduced formation of antibodies or antibodies that out with a loss of urine.
• There was the formation of blood disorders that can increase the risk of clots in blood vessels.


Definition of Acne Vulgaris or Acne is a skin condition caused by abnormal production disruptions from the oil glands (sebaceous gland) are excessive.
Excess production of these oil glands or sebaceous gland will cause a blockage in the channels at the hair follicles and skin pores. Acne often causes inflammation of the skin (the skin becomes swollen and rosy pink). This inflammation of the skin caused by excessive production of skin oil glands or sebaceous glands which then clog the channel and form comedones (whiteheads) and seborhoea.

If the blockage is caused by the oil glands of skin is getting bigger it will open comedones (blackheads) and then often times interact or exposed acne bacteria.

The emergence of the psychological effects for a person with acne is the fact that with facial acne to be no longer smooth and beautiful. Even sometimes going leave acne scars can not be lost for life. The most influential effects of acne scars or acne are psychological effects as someone who had not experienced acne when he first became troubled and depressed. Confidence also be reduced by it.

Uric Acid

The definition of uric acid is a purine metabolism substances originating from the food we eat. This is also a byproduct from the breakdown of cells in the blood.

Purines itself is a substance contained in any food that comes from living bodies. In other words, there are living things in the body of this purine substances, and because we eat living things, hence the move to the purine substances in our body. Various vegetables and fruits are also purine. Purine also resulted from the destruction of body cells which occur normally or because of certain diseases.

Normally, uric acid will be released in the body through the stool (feces) and urine, but because the kidneys are unable to remove uric acid that is causing increased levels in the body. Another thing that can increase uric acid levels is that we consume too much food that contains many purine. Excess uric acid will then be collected at the joints, causing pain or swelling.

Patients with gout after undergoing appropriate treatment can be treated so that the levels of uric acid in the body back to normal. But because there is a potential buildup in the body of uric acid, it is recommended that control the food consumed in order to avoid food that contains a lot of purines.

Symptoms of Uric Acid :

* pins and rheumatic pain
* Pain, especially at night or early morning when I wake up
* Joints gout affected by visible swelling, redness, heat and tremendous pain on the night and morning.