Cyst (Polycystic Ovary Disease)

Polycystic Ovarian Disease, is a condition in which the ovary containing small elements (cysts) that affect the fertility of the woman so that she can not get pregnant.

A. The Cause

Cysts affect women's menstrual cycle due to hormonal system is disturbed. Naturally, the hormone would regulate the growth of egg cells in the ovary. Medical has not been able to clearly explain how women's hormonal cycles disturbed patients.

However, various studies being conducted to solve these medical cases to the number of patients with cysts can be suppressed.

Follicles is a sort of pockets in the ovaries that contain eggs. In the case of cysts, follicles in the ovary only amounted to little. Egg cell in the follicles do not mature, so do not get into the ovary. Instead, it will form crystals in the ovary.

This is what causes a woman barren. Follicles are not mature and the inability to distribute the egg (ovulation process) seem to be the cause of the low number of follicle stimulating hormone (HSF), exceeds the content of the hormone androgen in the ovary.
Woman who was diagnosed with cysts, usually aged around 20-30 years. Usually women who have cysts, if traced the genealogy of his family, no mother or grandmother who experience symptoms similar cysts.

B. Symptoms

Women who have cysts in the ovaries will experience symptoms as follows:

1. Experiencing irregular periods, abnormal, and meeting on a second period.
2. There is a period of absence, usually occurs after one or more normal menstrual period
3. Arising from severe acne and very annoying
4. Experienced shrinkage of breast size
5. Experienced growth in male characteristics (virilization), such as hair growing all over his body and face, voice turned hard and deep, cilitorus size bigger.
6. Diabetes
7. Hair becomes thicker like a man
8. Barren or have no offspring despite treatment
9. The content of the hormone insulin is very little
10. Overweight, obesity

C. These tests can be done to determine whether a woman has a cyst in the ovary :

1. Abdominal ultrasound
2. Abdominal MRI
3. Biopsy of the ovary
4. Estrogen levels
5. Fasting glucose and insulin levels
6. FSH levels
7. Male hormone (Testosterone) levels
8. Urine 17-ketosteroids
9. Vaginal ultrasounds

Blood tests are performed :
* Pregnancy test (serum HCG)
* Proactin levels
* Throd function tests

D. Treatment

Treatment for Cysts depends female patients with symptoms that arise

1. Birth control pills
2. Clomiphene citrate
3. Flutamide
4. Spironolactone

Treatment with clomiphene citrate causes the pituitary gland to increase production of HSF. This will help the egg to ripen and can be channeled toward the ovary. Many times a woman takes drugs to trigger a strong pregnancy.

For women who have Cysts, they also berrisiko diabetes mellitus. Therefore, treatment with glucophane (metformin) will be given to making cells more sensitive to produce insulin, which causes the process to return to normal ovulation.

Losing weight with a diet will greatly help to reduce high insulin levels in the blood.

E. Complications caused by a cyst.

1. Greater risk of endometrial cancer
2. Happen infertility.
3. It has to do with obesity, raised blood pressure
4. Diabetes
5. Breast cancer risk