
Definition of Acne Vulgaris or Acne is a skin condition caused by abnormal production disruptions from the oil glands (sebaceous gland) are excessive.
Excess production of these oil glands or sebaceous gland will cause a blockage in the channels at the hair follicles and skin pores. Acne often causes inflammation of the skin (the skin becomes swollen and rosy pink). This inflammation of the skin caused by excessive production of skin oil glands or sebaceous glands which then clog the channel and form comedones (whiteheads) and seborhoea.

If the blockage is caused by the oil glands of skin is getting bigger it will open comedones (blackheads) and then often times interact or exposed acne bacteria.

The emergence of the psychological effects for a person with acne is the fact that with facial acne to be no longer smooth and beautiful. Even sometimes going leave acne scars can not be lost for life. The most influential effects of acne scars or acne are psychological effects as someone who had not experienced acne when he first became troubled and depressed. Confidence also be reduced by it.