Liver is the largest organ in the human body. Occurs in the liver processes important for our life is the process of energy storage, formation of protein and bile acids, regulation of cholesterol metabolism, and neutralizing poisons / drugs that enter our bodies. Then, we can imagine a result that would arise if there is damage to the liver.
Some Other Between Heart Disease:
Liver disease due to infections Such as hepatitis virus, which is transmitted through contaminated food & drinks, injections, tattoos, contaminated needle prick, sexual activity, and others.
Liver disease because the toxins foe Example from alcohol or certain medicines. Alcohol is toxic to the liver. The presence of drug accumulation in the liver (such as acetaminophen) or interference with the metabolism of drugs can cause liver disease.
Genetics or offspringFor example
Hemochromatosis Immune disorders For example autoimmune hepatitis. Autoimmune disease is a disease caused due to the resistance against the body's own tissues. In autoimmune hepatitis is generally resisted the liver cells, resulting in inflammation of chronic.
Cancer (eg hepatocellular Carcinoma)
Liver cancer can be caused by carcinogenic compounds such as aflatoxin, polyvinyl chloride (plastic raw material), viruses, etc. Aplatoxin is a poison produced by Aspergillus flavus and can contaminate food during food storage, such as beans, rice & cassava especially in the tropics. Hepatitis B and liver cirrhosis C funds to develop into liver cancer.
Some common liver disease and laboratory examination to detect.Hepatitis Hepatitis is an inflammation of the liver cells. Viruses are the most frequent cause of hepatitis, especially hepatitis A, B, C, D and E. In general, patients with hepatitis A & E can be recovered, instead of B & C can become chronic. Hepatitis D virus can only attack people who have been infected with hepatitis B virus and can aggravate the condition of the patient.
The laboratory is required to confirm the diagnosis of hepatitis due to hepatitis sufferers are often asymptomatic or have symptoms not typical.
Examination for hepatitis Acute :
- Enzyme GOT, GPT
- Markers of hepatitis A (anti-HAV IgM)
- Markers of hepatitis B (HGsAg, Anti-HBC IgM)
- Markers of hepatitis C (Anti HCV, HCV RNA)
- Markers of hepatitis E (anti HEV IgM)
Examination for chronic hepatitis : - Enzyme GOT, GPT
- Markers of hepatitis B (HBsAg, HBe, anti-HBc, anti HBe, HBV DNA)
- Markers hepatis C (Anti HCV, HCV RNA)
Markers of immunity : - Anti-HAV - Anti-HBs
Liver Cirrhosis CirrhosisLiver Cirrhosis Cirrhosis is a disease that is advanced in which the liver function has been severely disrupted due to the number of connective tissue in the liver. Cirrhosis of the liver can occur because of viral hepatitis B and C that is sustainable, because the alcohol, the wrong diet, or because of other diseases that cause biliary tract obstruction. Cirrhosis can not be cured, treatment performed to treat complications that occurred (such as vomiting and dysentery, aistes / enlarged abdomen, yellow eyes and a comma hepatikum). Inspection transform to detect liver cirrhosis: Enzyme GOT GPT (the ratio of GOT / GPT> 1), time Protrombin, Protein Electrophoresis.
Liver Cancer Liver cancer occurs when cancer cells develop in the liver tissue. Liver cancer is hepatocellular carcinoma, a lot happens (HCC). HCC is a serious complication of end hepatitiskronis, especially cirrhosis resulting from hepatitis B, C and hemochromatosis.
Inspection to detect liver cancer: AFP, PIVKA II
Fatty liver Fatty liver occurs when the accumulation of fat exceeding 5% of the weight of the liver or on more than half of the liver tissue. Fatty liver often has the potential to cause liver damage and cirrhosis of the liver. This disorder can arise from consuming excessive called ASH (alcoholic steatohepatitis), and not because of steatohepatitis). Inspection on fatty liver: enzyme GOT, GPT, Alkaline Phosphatases.
Cholestasis and Jaundice Cholestasis is a condition caused by production failures and / or expenditure of bile. The duration of suffering from cholestasis can cause failure of the absorption of fats and vitamins A, D, E, K by the intestine, also by accumulation of bile acids, bilirubin and cholesterol in the liver. The existence of excess bilirubin blood circulation nd preformance buildup of bile pigments in the skin, mucous membranes and eye ball called jaundice. In this situation the patient very aesthetically yellow skin, urine becomes darker colors, while lighter faeces.
Inspection and transform kolestasisi :
Fosfatase Alkali, Gamma GT, Bilirubin Total, Bilirubin Direk.
HemochromatosisHemochromatosis is an iron metabolic disorder characterized by excessive iron deposition in tissues. This disease is genetic / heredity. Laboratory tests for hemochromatosis: transferrin, ferritin
Tips For patients with liver disease:
1. Balanced diet Number of calories sisesuaikan with height, weight, and activities. in certain circumstances required a low calorie diet.
2. Many vegetables and fruits and do activities based on the ability to prevent constipation.
3. Running a regular pattern of life.
Consultation with a physician AMONGROGO.