
Talking about pregnancy, can not be separated also about infertility. There are newly married couples already contains some also have many years but has not been granted momongan. Finally, many thought the cause of sterility. Some say that cat fur can cause sterility, and so forth. Actually, that can cause barrenness of the parasite known as Toxoplasma gondii. This parasite can cause the disease toxoplasmosis. Toxoplasma is a disease that affects animals and humans, male or female.

In animals, this toxoplasma disease could attack blooded animals heat, such as: dogs, cats, chickens, birds, horse, cattle, sheep, mice, sheep, tigers, pigs, and others. But the cat is considered as the cause of toxoplasma, because in the cat's body, Toxoplasma can reproduce in two ways, namely sexual (gamete micro and macro) and asexual (divide). Whereas in animals other than cats, toxoplasma can reproduce only by asexual means.

In humans the disease toxoplasmosis, most do not experience clinical symptoms of the dominant. Symptoms can occur in acute infection, namely in the form of enlarged lymph nodes around the neck or armpit.

But in the long run, that toxoplasma can cause infertility. In men, infertility caused by Toxoplasma can infect the sperm canal and cause inflammation. So that the sperm duct inflammation causes narrowing or closure of the channel and on the man's sperm can not be issued a sperm to fertilize an egg.

Whereas in women, the effect is almost the same as men. Toxoplasma infection that can mengebabkan inflammation and narrowing of the oviduct. So that the ovary will not be able to get to the uterus and can not be fertilized by sperm.

Clinical symptoms :

People who suffer from acute Toxoplasmosis in general do not feel the pain that caught his attention so as not detected. Clinical symptoms that appear similar to the clinical symptoms of infectious diseases in general, namely :
• Fever
• Enlarged lymph glands dileher the back without pain
• Headaches
• Pain in muscles
• weary / limp

These symptoms usually recover spontaneously (Frenkle 1990). Strickland (1991) reported 89% patients with acute toxoplasma clinical symptoms include fever, headache and 84% enlargement of lymph glands, muscle pain in 60%, 54%, neck stiffness and no appetite, 20%, with patches of red skin, 24 % ill disendi and 11% with inflammation of the liver.

Toxoplasmosis acute and reinfection in a pregnant woman can cause the transmission to passive baby who was conceived. The magnitude of transmission rates in infants depends on gestational age. Figures for 1% transmission occurs when a pregnant woman suffering from toxoplasmosis before fertilization occurs, 12% when gestational age 6-16 weeks and 20% when gestational age 16-28 weeks until birth.

A baby who was conceived by pregnant women in first trimester of pregnancy can become infected by 25%, while the third trimester of pregnancy diusia 65%. Infection in very early pregnancy can cause miscarriage and the baby died in the womb.

Infection in the first trimester of pregnancy can cause severe congenital abnormalities in infants, because at that moment the ongoing process of growth of organs. Congenital abnormalities that occur can be Hidrosepalus, Mikrosepalus, calcification of the brain, nervous disorders such as seizures, impaired reflexes, retandasi mental impairments that can cause blindness and inflammation of the liver (Frenkle - 1990, Kierzenbaum - 1994).

In chronic toxoplasmosis can occur Korioretinitis clinical symptoms of which can lead to visual impairments, headaches, Encephalitis, and even paralyzed some of the body (Soemarsono, 1990).